Bus Rider Blues: 50 reasons why New York City needs a champion for #BetterBuses
Our City’s bus network faces a crisis, and so do the two million people who ride the bus every day. They endure long wait times, overcrowding, congestion, inaccessibility, and other undignified hardships. Today we’re unveiling Bus Rider Blues, a story book compiling 50 agonizing accounts of slow and unreliable buses from riders across the city.
The book comes from months on the ground in neighborhoods throughout the five boroughs talking to riders about their experience with New York City’s notoriously slow buses. We heard stories from people who showed up late to work and picking their children up from childcare, about negative impacts on performance in school, and much more, all because of unreliable bus service.
Read the rider stories and join our call for #BetterBuses today!
Scenes from Bus Rider Blues
A bus waits in standstill traffic.
Riders must wait to board the bus, unable to enter through the back door.
A rider using a cane struggles to board the bus due to a snowbank.
A rider waits for the bus alone late at night.
The bus lane is blocked by illegally parked cars.
Two riders wait at a bus stop wondering when their bus will arrive.