Riders demand affordable transit
After over two years of grassroots organizing, riders won half-price MetroCards for low-income New Yorkers! Join our fight to make transit more affordable and find out how to access discounted MetroCards.
If our public transit system isn’t working for everyone, then it’s not working.
What we’re fighting for
For the first time ever, New York City’s budget includes more than $100 million for half-price MetroCards for low-income New Yorkers. This victory is a direct result of our #FairFares campaign, led by our members who tirelessly organized, strategized, lobbied elected officials, called the mayor, recorded videos and spoke out courageously about their own struggles. Learn about how to sign up for Fair Fares.
Now, we're working to make sure that all eligible riders are aware of the Fair Fares program, and most importantly, that they’re able to access it. We’re also continuing to identify elected officials to champion these types of policies and programs, and continue to expand transit affordability so that all New Yorkers can afford to ride public transit.
Why it matters
Millions of New Yorkers rely on public transit to get to school, work, and everywhere in between. But for too long, New Yorkers living below the poverty line have been unable to afford public transit. In practical terms, this means that on a regular basis, more than 700,000 New Yorkers have had to make the choice between a meal and a MetroCard.
To be a truly equitable and inclusive city, we need a truly equitable and inclusive public transit system. That means a public transit system that meets the needs of all riders, including working-class riders, riders with disabilities, unhoused riders, elderly riders, and any other riders who might live below the poverty line. In addition to ensuring that service is fast, reliable, and safe, we need to ensure that all the most vulnerable riders can get on board in the first place.

“Fair Fares means I won’t have to choose between a basic necessity and a MetroCard. It means I can afford to get to work.”
— Darlene Jackson, Riders Alliance member
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Join the fight to make transit more affordable for all New Yorkers!